How I deep clean my makeup brushes [Spring Cleaning #2]
Spring is here - and with that comes the tradition of spring cleaning. I have a pile of dirty makeup brushes that has been building up for about a month, so after I cleaned out my makeup [here], it was time to tackle my brushes. Typically, brushes should be deep cleaned once a month [but who has time for that, really?]. Mine have not been cleaned for three months [don't judge me, I am already judging myself]. Ok, enough with the judgment, Here is how I deep clean my brushes.
What I use ? - Vinegar, Baby Shampoo, Olive Oil , Wash Cloth and Glue
Step 1: Dampen wash cloth with olive oil and swirl dry brush into the towel. I do this for eyeliner, foundation and concealer brushes. The olive oil breaks down and removes the caked on make-up.
Step 2: Rinse the bristles under water - I try to avoid letting the water touch the base of the brush.
Step 3: Work the shampoo into the brush bristles (and I repeat this process until the water runs clear)
Step 4: Disinfect brushes using vinegar/water solution. I mix 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar in a bowl and swoosh each brush in the solution for about 1 minute each. Then I rinse the brushes with fresh water.
Step 5: Always have glue handy when cleaning brushes - I use this to fasten or reattach any loose/broken brush base [optional].
Step 6: Reshape the bristles - If I notice significant shedding or if the bristles don't reshape - its a sign that I need to discard the brush.
Step 7: Use clean paper towel to suck up excess water from the brushes; lay out brushes on a clean paper towel to dry.
Depending on how many brushes you have to clean, this process can take 15 minutes to an hour. It takes me about 45 minutes - so plan accordingly. To save yourself sometime, Keep a brush cleaner close by to do a weekly spot cleaning.
Check out other spring and spring cleaning related posts - here
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