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I cannot believe I am typing these words. It has been a month since I packed up sixteen years living stateside to begin a new adventure in London (aka new work role that absolutely terrifies me). The last month has been a mix of emotions and doubts about my decision to move here. Most days, I feel out of my depth and wonder if I made the right decision. Everything seems familiar but yet nothing seems familiar (if that makes sense). Living in London is significantly difference that visiting (and not in a bad way).

Adapting has been easy in some aspects, but extremely difficult in other aspects. Having finally resolved the adulting part of moving to a new Country; I am not focused on the everyday living and working in London. One of those adulting things that took up way too much time than anticipated - opening a bank account. I am trying to give you money - why are there so many roadblocks ?!?

We found a home !!! I am told we lucked out in the size of the space we found (and I tend to agree). I will probably do an instastories of the space when I am completely unpacked.

Work is work. I am learning a lot, very quickly. It feels like drinking out of a fire hose most days.

I still say dollars instead of pounds; I spell color without the "u" and get irritated at spellcheck for correcting me. I am fairly certain the lady at the corner Paul's thinks I am an idiot because the time it takes me to sort through the change to pay for a cup of coffee. I am sure by the time I get comfortable with it all - it will be time to return

The other day, I sprinted (no joke !) to catch a train. I have been told that is a sign I am fitting in just fine. Surprisingly, one of my favorite things about living in London has been public transportation. I love the idea of not driving and dealing with traffic and parking. I have planned my walk from the flat to the train station perfectly;  I arrive just as the train pulls into the station. Also, walking to/from the train station/bus stop is a built-in workout. I am getting ten thousand steps daily without trying. 

On Saturday night, my sis sis and I had dinner at a Korean restaurant in SOHO - Jin JuuThe food was amazing; the Yujacha tea was phenomenal. Along those lines, you have got to check out my new Instagram page - portland-grace-eats. I am sharing food recommendations from my travels and I am so excited for the content that is coming up. I will be happy if you gave a follow.

I have been struggling with what happens to the blog (and shop) now that I am a London dweller. The shop is on hiatus, but the blog will continue with a bi-weekly " living in London" series. The weekly post on travel will continue with a twist. In addition to sharing travel stories and guides, I will also be sharing my moving to London experience; what to do and not do when moving to a new Country. I hope you find them helpful if you are planning a trip or considering moving to another Country.

Have a wonderful week and remember to...

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu